纳税申报单 an official document in which you give details of the amount of money that you have earned so that the government can calculate how much tax you have to pay
纳税申报表 A tax return is an official form that you fill in with details about your income and personal situation, so that the tax you owe can be calculated.
Once I have approved them by signing them off, he completes and submits the tax return online. 一旦我签名同意后,他就在网上完成和递交纳税申报单。
Your kids should file a tax return. 你的孩子们应该纳税申报表。
What is the estimated time required for submitting a tax return-individuals and property tax return through telefiling? 经电话提交个别人士报税表和物业税报税表,估计需时多久?
You must note down any outstanding debts on your tax return. 你一定要在你的报税表上写上未偿付的债务。
An activity performed on a customer-supplied intangible product ( e.g. the income statement needed to prepare a tax return); 在顾客提供的无形产品(如为准备税款申报书所需的收益表)上所完成的活动;
T: here are my tax payment receipt and tax return forms. 汤:这些是我的完税凭证和税单。
He she has to claim the deduction in his her own tax return. 他她应在其本身的报税表内申请扣除。
Perhaps you finished and sent your tax return for2009. 也许你完成并且拿回了你在2009的退税。
He filed a complaint; he filed his tax return. 他提出抱怨;他把报税表归档。
If the student's scholarship income is exempt from taxation, there is no need to report it on the federal income tax return. 如果学生的奖学金是可以免税的,就不用在联邦所得税申报书上填报了。
He neglected to file his tax return on time. 他忘记按时发他的税收申请单了。
In three components of transfer, special transfer and tax return widen regional development disparities; 在转移支付的三个组成部分中,专项转移支付和税收返还扩大了地区发展差距;
He assist me with my income tax return. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。
The income is taxable in China. Therefore, you are notified to file your tax return or give. 请你或你的代理人于年月日前就以上收入向中国省市国家税务局进行纳税申报或做出必要说明。
Whatever you do, file your tax return in a timely manner. 不管你做些什么,你的档案在报税及时。
Please show me yur tax payment receipt and tax return forms. 请出示您的完税凭证和税单。
The financial statements and a tax return; 财务会计报表、纳税申报表。
He put himself down on the Income Tax Return as "unemployed". 他在所得税申报单上填上了失业。
Sign and submit the tax return. 签署及提交报税表。
While this is great in the long run, it can adversely affect the homeowner's tax return. 虽然这是个伟大的,在长远而言,它可以产生不利影响屋主的报税表。
I'm no good with tax return. 我不善于填写税表。
The burdensome task of preparing her income tax return awaited her. 准备所得税偿还的繁重任务等着她去完成。
The sole proprietor reports items of income and expense of the business on his personal tax return. 独资企业的投资人在其个人纳税申报表中申报企业收支项目。
The timely filing of his income tax return. 及时将他的所得税申报表归档。
The two major concepts of income that appear on the tax return are: adjusted gross income and taxable income. 出现在纳税申报单上的两大收益好象是:调整过的总收入和应纳税收入。
You would also need a copy of your salary records and income tax return for the past year. 你也需要一份贵薪金纪录及入息税的回报过去一年的工作。
Individuals having composite tax return files may notify the Department of their new postal address electronically. 凡开立了综合报税表档案的个别人士,均可以电子方式把新通讯地址通知本局。
These consecutive policies are doubtlessly reinforcement signals for individual income tax return inspection. 总局连续出台的这些政策,无疑是对个人所得税加强监管的信号。
Firstly, if the individual receives wages from more than two sources, he must file the tax return. 首先,个人从两处或两处以上取得的工资、薪金要申报纳税。